Office of the Public Prosecutor ~ Report Crimes here!

This is where the Kingdom of Fenia's main Inn is.

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Re: Office of the Public Prosecutor ~ Report Crimes here!

Post by balerion »

I know Duke sent out letters of inquiry, but I'm happy so long as there isn't any further incident.
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear

Re: Office of the Public Prosecutor ~ Report Crimes here!

Post by Aveena »

To who it might be concern,

I was attacked by Texas Night and Rannek this past day. There was no reason for the assaut to apear on me. I haven't been a threat to fenia. I demand justice.

Re: Office of the Public Prosecutor ~ Report Crimes here!

Post by Aveena »

12:00 am [Attack/Defense] [Round 2] You attacked and whacked Texas_Knight (17 HP).
Sep 25, 1657
12:00 am [Attack/Defense] You felt a surge through your crossbow as if you were more proficient during your Army Kill List battle with Texas_Knight (Round 2) [79% to 80%]
Sep 25, 1657
12:00 am [Attack/Defense] [Round 2] Texas_Knight attacked and lacerated you (-133 HP). (You attempt to flee the battle!)
Sep 25, 1657
12:00 am [Attack/Defense] [Round 1] You attacked and nicked Rannek (16 HP).
Sep 25, 1657
12:00 am [Attack/Defense] [Round 1] Rannek attacked and wounded you (-128 HP). (You attempt to flee the battle!)
Sep 25, 1657
12:00 am [Attack/Defense] [Round 1] You attacked and nicked Texas_Knight (9 HP).
Sep 25, 1657
12:00 am [Attack/Defense] [Round 1] Texas_Knight attacked and wounded you (-127 HP). (You attempt to flee the battle!)
Sep 25, 1657
12:00 am [All] Your cut looks infected...
Sep 25, 1657
12:00 am [Attack/Defense] Oathkeepers (Army) notices you and come after you as if you were on a list or something...

Re: Office of the Public Prosecutor ~ Report Crimes here!

Post by Vhagar »

With all due respect, I would humbly remind His Majesty and the other councilors of the laws in our country. In my humble opinion a foreign army never should have been allowed to do as they wish within our borders unchecked. It is a dangerous precedent.
Laws of Commoners:
All creatures within the Kingdom of Fenia are entitled to fair and equal treatment under the law, the right to Live freely, Worship freely and Speak freely as long as that speech does not incite criminal acts or break other laws. All creatures should behave respectfully to one another and any unprovoked actions which cause harm to another creature will not be tolerated. Any disputes between creatures can be legally handled in the arena, fights in the streets will not be tolerated.
Laws of Assault:
The actions of any creature which cause harm or attempt to cause harm to any other creature whilst inside the lands of Fenia will not be tolerated. This includes acts of robbery, brawling in the streets and group attacks.
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Re: Office of the Public Prosecutor ~ Report Crimes here!

Post by Zuan »

The word, spoken or in writing, from the King the law of the land and will be obeyed by all creatures regardless of residency even if not mentioned in this document.
Laws of Commoners:
All creatures within the Kingdom of Fenia are entitled to fair and equal treatment under the law, the right to Live freely, Worship freely and Speak freely as long as that speech does not incite criminal acts or break other laws.
Violation of any of the above laws will be punishable and sentencing is at the discretion of the Monarch, through either the Courts or Military."
I have quoted the above parts of the law to help explain this situation.
Aveena you have enslaved a Fenian citizen, whether they agreed to it or not, is irrelevant to the matter at hand, which is that all citizens are under the protection of the King, his council and military and those groups will do what is necessary to protect the freedoms of it's citizens, including the rights to work, speak, and live without another demanding from you through the bonds of chain and ownership. By enslaving a Fenian citizen you are denying them the rights to live, worship and speak freely for they must always seek your approval and failure to do so could see them suffer consequences.

I have been asked about you by multiple citizens on no fewer than three occasions, the first two times I rejected their requests, given that I was willing to allow you the chance to repent your choices and your ways freely as so many clashed with you about the servitude you forced upon another. Yet you were unwilling to change those ways, and yet again I received another barrage of letters from a number of citizens about your actions and words which left me with little choice but to act to ensure the safety and security of the Fenian people while sending a message that any who seek to repress Fenians freedoms will be met with force.

Thus I spoke with several individuals and enabled them to form a single army under the Fenian flag assuring there would only be one army, that they could not kill and that they would disband as soon as they had come into contact with you. Why? Because I do not wish you dead Aveena quite the contrary, I want you to understand that enslaving Fenians will be met with force if you enter our lands and seek to order them. As of this moment I expect you to relinquish all hold over any Fenian citizens you might have as slaves, or forced servants, regardless of what they might have verbally or physically agreed to you will grant them their freedoms. You will not be harmed from this moment forth, so long as within the coming days you do release those held from their servitude. So long as this is done you are welcome as anyone else is to work, live or travel and trade in and with Fenia. Ofcourse if you are so intent on keeping your ways, then I would advise you do so within the borders of a nation that tolerates slavery.
High King of The Fenians - Brother to Dahlia, Ambra, Trinity, Sera & Zhou

Re: Office of the Public Prosecutor ~ Report Crimes here!

Post by Vhagar »

Is it not the duty of the prosecutor to bring forth charges to be discussed in court? That applies to ANY of the situations listed by the King as well. I was under the impression that Fenia tried cases in court and that the King was not judge, jury and executioner.

And that permission to a foreign entity was given to serve the King's wishes in an army within our borders does not sit well, either.
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Re: Office of the Public Prosecutor ~ Report Crimes here!

Post by Akos »

Is it not the duty of the prosecutor to bring forth charges to be discussed in court? That applies to ANY of the situations listed by the King as well. I was under the impression that Fenia tried cases in court and that the King was not judge, jury and executioner.
The Prosecutor for the Kingdom is obligated to bring forth any charges of law bringing brought before them as long as there is evidence present and the Monarch has approved the case.

As the law currently stands, it seems that a prosecutor can only bring a case as long as it also has the Monarch's approval. Considering the King gave his approval for the punishment to be handed out, one would assume it would automatically negate the need for a trial considering:
Those that move to and through the Realm of Fenia will be assumed to have hailed the King Zuan in the process and shall follow all Decrees and Edicts herein, even if no public declaration is made.

The word, spoken or in writing, from the King the law of the land and will be obeyed by all creatures regardless of residency even if not mentioned in this document.
This piece of current law means that King Zuan was fully within his legal rights to take/approve of the actions involved, therefore, there would be no case to prosecute against TK, Alder and Rannek.

In my humble opinion a foreign army never should have been allowed to do as they wish within our borders unchecked. It is a dangerous precedent.

And that permission to a foreign entity was given to serve the King's wishes in an army within our borders does not sit well, either.
These are not really a point of discussion for this thread given they don't directly relate to any prosecutable offenses, however I would be absolutely delighted to discuss it with you further, either privately or in the public wing of the Royal Court (OOC: I could set up an office in the public wing so that any others can come participate in the discussion too if they wish to).

Re: Office of the Public Prosecutor ~ Report Crimes here!

Post by Aveena »

Ermalyse chose on her free will. She even proposed a contract that we both agree to furfill. As for the acusation, i have done any action on what ever i been saying. Mostly teasing creatures. I was not a threat to Fenia neither her people. Texas night army had no justification to attack me. But i see how this place is rule. So i shall leave. I Will take the ship back to Wahalla.
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Re: Office of the Public Prosecutor ~ Report Crimes here!

Post by balerion »

Aveena, this is why I offered you protection. Fenia isn't the place where one can expect justice. Safe sailing.
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Re: Office of the Public Prosecutor ~ Report Crimes here!

Post by Aishe »

It appears Imperius has a visitor from Kiene, named Estro. This creature has bought all of my 83 bags of corn [proof], and it appears, also from the other four or five creatures who had corn posted on the Imperius market. (Unfortunately, I do not recall who else had corn on the market.)

Now, there is no corn on the market, EXCEPT for his... At 20f. [proof]

This is clear market manipulation and creates an immediate shortage. As of yesterday, when I posted up my most recent harvest, I had the most corn posted in town. However, there was at least another eighty bags on the market by other creatures combined.

Fenian Law wrote:Market Laws:
Market manipulation or any attempt by creatures to control the prices or availability of items on any market within the Realm of Fenia will not be tolerated. The willful weakening of the economic status of any town within Fenia will not be tolerated.

Mass buying of any item should be avoided. It is acceptable if about to travel, to buy up to a week’s worth of food. Whosoever shall buy any item, while selling the same type of item at the same time, or within seven days of the original purchase, especially for unreasonable personal gain, and/or to cause harm to others, shall be charged with Market Speculation, which is punishable by the courts.

@Anessen, can you please file the charges? This is unacceptable.

Thank you,
Aishe E. Sanchari
Vicerine of Fenia
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
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