Flea Market - Discussion in the Town Square

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Flea Market - Discussion in the Town Square

Post by Calysta »

As the townscreatures came to the town square nearly every day, Calysta thought this would be a fine place to host a discussion on the Flea Market. They had just had a straw poll on the matter, but she received feedback that made her realize that the straw poll didn't cover everything.

"Good Afternoon!" Calysta said loudly trying to gather creatures' attention.

"After receiving a letter about the flea market, I decided everyone should discuss things further. If you are interested, please come over and join us for the discussion.

"As mentioned in the last mail I sent, here are the results of the poll:
Poll Question: How often should we hold the flea market? (Ends Feb 05, 1655 at 11:52 am)
Results: (Total Votes: 15)

More than once a month (26.67%)
Once a month (60%)
Every other month (6.67%)
Twice yearly (6.67%)

"Since people voted once a month, I was going to do it both Saturday and Sunday on the last weekend of the month; however, there is concern that it'd be difficult to remember.

"Other suggestions include having a set date for the flea market, such as the 15th of every month or having the market open for an entire week.

"I received some questions also about the cost to run the flea market. Each day it is opened costs 5 freznics. Each transaction gives the town 0.10 fr towards cost. At that amount, there would need to be 50 items sold a day to make up for the cost, but since the cost is so little, I am not very concerned about 10 freznics a month -if ran for one weekend-, as the Town Hall can easily cover that.

"I look forward to everyone's input. If necessary, we can have another poll, but for now, let's discuss to get an idea of what options people favor.

"Thank you!"
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Re: Flea Market - Discussion in the Town Square

Post by Wyllow »

Moving into the town square she listens to what is being said. She nods in agreement in having a market.

I do feel that a market set on the same day every month may make it easy to remember. In the past I always seem to miss it or forget that it is happening. I suggest the first two days of the month. But really, any day that has a number attached to it would possibly etch better in peoples minds so that we are used to it happening on that specific day. Of course, I think we have to expect a slow turn out the first few times. I personally would be glad to even buy something from the TH that is 5 above the normal pricing just to help fund it, especially in the beginning. I guess I just feel something like this could be good for us as a community.

I just wish I had something more concrete to remember to attend.
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Re: Flea Market - Discussion in the Town Square

Post by Katie »

What about if the flea market were to run the first weekend of each month?


The second weekend of each month?
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Re: Flea Market - Discussion in the Town Square

Post by waerth »

I just donated 60f to townhall to keep the flee market open for 12 days. I normally never buy anything there but I can see the usefullness for the creatures in town!


Re: Flea Market - Discussion in the Town Square

Post by Calysta »

Thank you so much, Waerth. The donation is appreciated. I'll be sure to put it towards the flea market.

Also, thanks to those who have spoken. Please continue with the discussion. I would like as much input as possible, so I'll have a better understanding of what the town wants.

Re: Flea Market - Discussion in the Town Square

Post by Calysta »

Hearing no more comments, do you all want to move this to a vote?

Re: Flea Market - Discussion in the Town Square

Post by Calysta »

Before I take it to a vote, I wanted to consider a hybrid option.

Perhaps usually have the flea market be 2 days a month but twice a year, have it for a whole week - perhaps in the spring and in the fall.

Any thoughts on this suggestion?
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Re: Flea Market - Discussion in the Town Square

Post by Johnstone »

Sorry to crash in...How does the flea market work....what is the main objective?

Re: Flea Market - Discussion in the Town Square

Post by Calysta »

The main objective is to sell used items at a discounted price. Currently, you cannot sell used items on the town market, which is why they can only be sold on the flea market.

The flea market is run at the discretion of the mayor, who hopefully adheres to the wishes of the town.


To physically cause the flea market to run, go to Town > Town Hall >> Click the door beside mayor's office if you happen to be mayor >> Financial > Flea Market >> Select days to open by changing the option from No to Yes >> Update.

The Flea market will now run - or not. Check to see what days it is running by going to Markets > Flea Market.

It will say something like
The Flea Market will be open on the following days: Sunday, Saturday

The Flea Market is closed today.
On the day of the flea market, you can put items up for sale that are used. Normally there is not a button to sell them, but on the days of the flea market, there is a button to sell that looks exactly like the button you have to sell on the regular town market.

Image to click to sell to Flea Market (Same as Item Market): Image

Select your price. There will be a surcharge added to it depending on how much the mayor asked for as a tax due to the cost to run the flea market. It is 5 freznics for the town to run. Default tax is 0.1 freznic on each item. Town only gets this if the item is sold. It does not come out of the seller's commission, but is paid for by the buyer on top of the seller's asking price.

To buy an item, on the day of the flea market, go to Markets > Flea Market & view the items listed.

Any items placed on the flea market will remain up as long as the flea market runs for consecutive days. If the flea market closes, the seller gets all the items back and must go through the process of putting them up for sale the next time a flea market is hosted.


Does that answer your question? If anything is unclear, just let me know.
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Re: Flea Market - Discussion in the Town Square

Post by Johnstone »

Thank you Calysta....It was very helpful. I just need to see if the people want it....
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