~Katie's Place~

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~Katie's Place~

Post by Katie »

"HAROLD!" she yelled as she rushed through the front door of the mill shop with her sack of groceries from the market. "Haaaarolddd?"

He entered the mill from the rear entrance with a bucket full of apples and cherries and replied casually "You called, Miss Katie" ?

"Yes! Yes! I have good news, Harold! We're having company tomorrow for lunch. Priestess Ceol and Rector Alder are coming for lunch and I have invited their stewards to join us. Will you be able to help prepare for the luncheon, Harold?"

Deep within he wanted to say "NO WAY! I'M A MAN!" but he grew up properly and he was thankful for his rearing although he was poor and without much to offer a lady. "Miss Katie, I am at your service."

Smiling, she squeezed his arm as a thank you gesture and then she crossed the mill and darted up the stairs to her loft home above.

Harold followed behind her with the bucket of fruit she had requested during their breakfast . He had not recalled seeing Miss Katie quite this excited for some time now... He made note of the bounce in her strides as she advanced up the stairwell. "Miss Katie? What's so special about this meal tomorrow and what am I to do to help you with preparations?"

"I want to bake two pies~ Apple and Cherry for our desserts right now. I can do it by myself thanks to that bucket of fruit. However, would you please hunt a small elk and bring some Elk back strap in the morn? Katie's Finger-Eating Stew as you so call it, would be perfect for our meal." Hurriedly, she washed and put away the vegetables and lemons; she then prepared her dough bowl with her flour for the pie pastry shells.

Harold commenced washing the apples and cherries and placed them on the counter to air dry.

"Thank you, Harold. I appreciate you."

"You're welcome, Miss. And if I don't kill an elk?"

Lifting her floured fingers out of the dough bowl and shaking them at him, she used her famous silly toned voice "Then we'll eat Harold's Fingers in our stew and call it Harold's Finger Stew!"

Shaking his head he replied "Have another game plan just in case, Miss Katie. By the way, Miss Katie, how old are you again?"

"I am old enough, Harold. If you do not get a kill, I will go to the market first thing after breakfast and buy some beef steak for Beefy Vegetable Soup. How is that idea?"

"Miss, I would prefer we go with the beef steak from the market. I have much work lined up. I have yet to complete that 6 foot tall rock fence surrounding that hot spring pool. I know you are ready to enjoy your warm baths."

"That is exactly why I bought this mill shop two months ago for the price I paid, Harold! I am so excited to have a hot spring bathing pool. Harold, how many more days before the fence will be finished?"

"Another week, Miss Katie, if Mother Nature is kind, however, this is Winter. Let me do something else to assist you with the meal than to hunt elk."

Katie and her loyal steward worked together to plan the special meal for her friend, Ceol and family member, Alder.
Last edited by Katie on Fri Jan 23, 2015 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ~Katie's Place~

Post by Ceol »

Ceol was so excited about having lunch at Katie's place! It had been a long time since she last visited friends anywhere other than in the tavern. She hoped Katie didn't cook too much food, it was always a risk with friendly, hospitable people. Although of course Ceol didn't know how much Alder would eat, or Katie herself, or all the stewards.

Ceol had actually never officially met her own steward. She figured someone must be there because several times, wool and hides were moved around, or workers Ceol hired worked harder "because of her steward". Ceol left a bit of money for her mysterious steward every week and it was always gone the next day. This time, Ceol also left a note, inviting the mysterious steward over to Katie's place for dinner. She had no idea if her steward would show up, however.

Ceol had offered to bring fresh bread. She purchased a nice loaf on the market and because it was too large for her to carry, she was now rolling the carefully wrapped loaf through the streets of Widu, running backwards on top of it to keep it moving forward.

Soon she found the home of her kind Deaconess and knocked the door.
"I'm hope I'm not too early," Ceol said as she waited for someone to answer the door.

Re: ~Katie's Place~

Post by Silence »

So he'd spent the last day or so watching the place since he'd got the invite, and well... nothing. The fairy... huh, he wouldn't be able to use that name soon, since there would be two of them... well, his cousin seemed to be even happier than usual, and otherwise they were just planning out the meal. No poisons or anything yet, but there were a few liquid like elements to the meal. Was she trying to find out whether he was a changeling or not or was there some other motive behind this?

Difficult to say. Alder had turned up a whole load of nothing from watching the building with what must have been almost fifty beetles. Well, if this was a trap, he might as well go spring it. If he could walk out without confirming any suspicions, he would be ok. If he denied now, that would only increase any suspicions that his cousin might have. While he wanted to be fairly open with his family, he wasn't quite willing to go that far. His race had lead him into trouble with most he'd revealed it to, and the fact that Katie might have been trying to figure it out was not a good sign.

There was not much Alder could do to prepare besides bring a large amount of salt and sugar with him. Other than that, he just needed to make sure he had a clear head, which was why he was currently in the forest around the outskirts of Widu. It had taken him about an hour after learning that his cousin's steward had been sent out to find an elk to do just that. Being able to spread himself out and cover a wider area had its advantages. Now he just had to find some way to close in without it noticing.

Alder was just taking a walk. There was nothing in his manner which would suggest a threat. When he saw the elk, he remained very still and waited. Eventually, the creature's curiosity overcame its sense of caution and it walked up to him.

"There there... good boy."

The creature nuzzled his hand and Alder fed it a handful of oats. As he did so, his left hand reached around its muzzle and started stroaking its head.


His finger became a claw and he very carefully nicked the back of its neck once, only just breaking the skin, not causing any pain. Pain would only cause the creature to bolt. Very carefully, he changed the properties of the mixture of changeling spit and wolfsbane, which he had coated his finger nail with. Very carefully, he made sure that it was at just the right viscosity to mix almost instantly with the creature's blood.

"Just a few oats... there, not so bad is it?"

He drove all five of his claws into the back of the creature's neck.

The elk must have noticed that something was wrong as it instantly bucked against Alder, throwing itself from his grasp and then bolted.

Oh well... that concentration of wolfsbane would do its job well enough.

"Oi, Ram!"

There was silence and Alder sighed.

"Get yerself over here... we've got some stuff teh sort out!"

After about a minute, Lamar stepped out of the undergrowth, picking twigs out of his clothes. Clearly, he was not happy. If he was honest, he wasn't quite sure where to start. Yes, he was a steward, but that didn't make him a slave... and what's more, he definitely was not called 'Ram'. Indeed, if his master kept treating him like this, he might just... well, he wasn't sure what he'd do. He could hardly run off. Getting employed by Alder, the rich street urchin of Widu was just about the lowest he could go anyway. This was the last place he could go... and his master had given him another chance to get himself a stable way of life. What's more, he had pulled through with what he had promised... but damn it, you'd think after almost a year, his master would be able to at least remember his name.

"Ok, there's an elk that went that way that's gonna die soon. I'll find it, and then we need teh take it back with us."

"Sir, why did you just kill an elk?"

"Well Ram, I heard that the choice is either an elk, or beef... and apparently elk is better, I dunno."

It was almost a game between them now to Alder. He called his steward Ram, (the name Lamar made him think of a lamb... but Lamar was older than he was, so he could hardly call him a lamb) even though he had more than merited the use of his name from the young changeling... in return, Lamar called him 'sir' all the time... which Alder had asked him not to do at first, and then had just ignored the title. After all, despite the outward hostilities between the two, Alder liked the man he had hired... he'd never once stole from him (well, not since Alder had had his 'talk' with the man), and he worked really quite effectively. Plus, he was willing to treat Alder like any other master, despite who he was. That was worth quite a bit to the street urchin.

"Do yeh know a guy who's a steward in the mill my cous works in? Yeh know, the fairy?"

"... Horace? Yes, I met him a few times."


The two had been walking while they talked and were now standing over a dying elk. Alder took a much more heavily poisoned dagger and stuck it in the animal. There was no need to prolong its dying.

"Take this thing to him... he'll know what it's for. I don't know where he'll be, but I'm sure yeh'll figure that out. Oh, and then yeh've got the day off til midday or around then... then yer gonna meat me on virgo street and we're gonna have a talk... oh, and don't eat lunch. We've been invited somewhere else, and I need somebody teh back me up, see?"

Many other people would have questioned why Alder wanted somebody to back him up. However, Lamar had been serving him for a good while now, and he knew that despite how talkative he could be once he got past his initial mistrust of people, he really had no idea what he was doing in a formal setting or a pre planned social setting.

"I understand sir. I'll make sure you don't embarrass yourself."

"Embarrassin myself ain't what I'm worried about... let's just try teh enjoy it, eh? I guess I'll worry about the rest."

"Do excuse me sir, but... are we attempting to poison our hosts or have you just forgotten to administer an antidote to your poison?"

"Huh? Oh, hell, that could've ended badly... real badly... err, yeah. Leave it ten minutes before yeh take it to em... the poison'll need time teh get rid of itself... gosh, go with wolfsbane cause it's tasteless and then completely forget teh remove the damn thing."

"Of course sir... any other business that I should look over to make sure it was done properly before I deliver this?"

"Nah, that's ok Ram..."

Alder closed his eyes to give the beetles within the elk the order to get rid of the poison within it before leaving the body, then turned and walked off.

Well, that had been a welcome distraction... now, he needed something else to occupy his mind for a while.

Lamar regarded the form of his master, currently shrinking into the undergrowth, then shrugged and slung the elk over his shoulders. Horace would probably be assisting his master if they were preparing to receive guests later. That meant that he should probably head off to the mill to deliver this creature.
Last edited by Silence on Fri Jan 23, 2015 3:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ~Katie's Place~

Post by Katie »

Katie had set her best pewter plates, bowls and mugs on the table. She placed a pitcher full of Katie's Lemonade-Cherry Drink and some honey [to balance the tartness] on the center of the table. On each side of the pitcher and honey, she set several candles with greenery and red clusters of red berries for added appeal.

She began humming as she was well pleased with the table's appetizing appeal. Twirling around, she asked herself... "What's next?" Her nose remind her of Katie's Beefy Vegetable Soup which was smelling delicious as it slowly simmered over the fire. She stirred it and pulled out a small, long-handled ladle which was designed for dipping into water pails or hot pots of soups, etc. Dipping a little bit of soup into a small cup, she sampled the flavor and was pleased. At that moment, she heard a knock at the door.

"Harold, please get the door. I'm busy"she stated loudly. [She had the utmost respect for her steward and treated him as family. However, she was thankful she had found her sister, Wyllow and her dad, Timmzy among other family members such as Alder.]

The two stately pies were resting on a side table across from the dining table along with a large bowl of fresh salad with a dressing containing bacon pieces with shredded cheese.

It dawned on her Harold had not responded to her request so quickly she rushed down the stairwell, across the mill shop and opened the door.

"Priestess Ceol! Welcome! Do come in."Katie felt a sting of embarrassment for it was chilly and her boss was outside patiently waiting. "My home is your home"she smiled warmly and opened the door a little wider.
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Re: ~Katie's Place~

Post by Ceol »

Ceol smiled brightly when Katie answered the door. She feared she was too early and no-one might answer until the time was right. It was a bit cold, but Ceol fluttered her wings fast to stay warm. Without meaning to, this also caused her to make some snow fly up from the ground and it covered the wrapped loaf of bread like powdered sugar.

"Deaconess Katie! Thank you so much for inviting me," Ceol sniffed the air. "The food smells very wonderful!"

Ceol fluttered inside, curiously looking around the mill shop. "That's a lot of flour! You must know a lot about flours and breads, Katie. I hope I bought the right kind of bread."

She looked over her shoulder and saw the loaf still on the doorstep. She whistles her fingers and slowly, the loaf reluctantly rolled inside, stopping at the bottom of the stairs. It obviously wasn't looking forward to being cut and eaten.

"Oh my, I'm afraid I won't be able to get the bread upstairs by myself. Could you please carry it for me, Katie?"

Ceol fluttered up the stairs and clapped her hands enthusiastically when she saw the beautiful table and all the food. The smells were delicious, it looked like Katie worked very hard preparing all that.
As Ceol fluttered around the table to have a good look of everything, she noticed the size of the plates. That was going to be a challenge for her to eat it! She hoped her mysterious steward might show up to help her finish her lunch. She sure didn't want to insult Katie by not eating her share of the food she worked so hard to prepare.
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Re: ~Katie's Place~

Post by Katie »

"This bread is perfect, Priestess. All I need to do is take the fresh clean snow off and set it on the iron ledge in the back of the fireplace pit to warm it some."

Katie removed Ceol's small cape and hung it on the tree peg stand. "Priestess, you are looking remarkably lovely today. But where is your steward? As for my steward, I do not know where Harold is presently. However, I am glad you have arrived early, Priestess. We will have a good time with one another. Unfortunately Harold didn't have any time to hunt Elk so we are settling for my Beefy Vegetable Soup with a fresh Garden Salad, your bread, cheeses, cherries and dessert. Plus, Harold will entertain us. He has an unusual musical instrument passed down to him from his Spanish grandfather. He plays it very well and hopefully you will enjoy it."

Harold came bounding thru the door smelling as if he had come through a forest fire and yet wearing a smile. "Miss Katie, I am grilling elk as an appetizer and it is going to be very, very tender. I have used some Hickory wood for added flavor."

"Harold? We have company." Katie pointed slyly toward Priestess Ceol fluttering around the table.

Harold removed his wide brimmed hat and bowed to Kiene's Cathedral's High Priestess- at least that was his title for her. "Greetings, High Priestess" he voiced with a sincere tone.

Did Harold just mention elk meat Katie mused quizzically? "Harold? Elk, did you say? 'REALLY'?"

"Only a hand full of Hickory sticks is necessary to give it the perfet flavor. This meal will be fit for a queen, if I do say so! Elk is the best of the best and it is always tender and lean!"
Suddenly, she regretted not inviting Queen Victorious, Wyllow, Tuvoria, Deaconess Teide, Deacon Royce, and several others. "When did you have time to hunt elk?"

Harold ignored Katie as his focus was on Priestess Ceol.
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Re: ~Katie's Place~

Post by Silence »

Alder met Lamar half an hour earlier than they had agreed to meet. Neither of them really seemed that surprised by the fact that the other was early... in fact, both really expected it of the other. Alder noticed that Lamar was wearing something different to what he used to work in the fields. Instead of his usual rags, he wore a quite fashionable red shirt and black overcoat with trousers to match. For a second, the street urchin wondered if he should have worn something different... but then again, with all of the other things he was worrying about, looking the part was the last of his problems... he could be walking into head first into a trap here, and he had no defence except salt and sugar.

"Hey, Ram... come over here would yeh, I need teh talk teh yeh... see, I have a problem."

Alder walked into a dark alleyway and Lamar dutifully followed him with only a slight shrug.

"Yes sir, I know you have a problem... but don't worry. I think our hosts knew who they were inviting, so your lack of dress shouldn't be a problem."

"Nah, not that... say, I'm gonna assume you know all about all the things that are said about me... well, what if they were true?"

"I'm not sure I understand sir. There are a lot of things said about you... what are you talking about exactly?"

"Well, what if I was a baby eatin, grave diggin thief who killed his own parents, or at least, killed the parents whose kid he was swapped with."

Alder had known his steward for almost a year. He knew how he looked when he lied, and he studied his face for even the vaguest hint of a problem. The steward seemed to realise the importance of what he was being asked, as he took a few seconds to consider his answer.

"I... don't see that it would make any difference. You are my master sir, and you are the only master I've ever had who upheld their end of the bargain made between master and steward. Therefore, if I am being employed by scum, then maybe I would rather not be employed by anything else.

Alder slowly nodded his head. He had honestly not expected a response that would be that resolute.

"Alright... that's good... I mean, err..."

He shook his head.

"Excellent." He offered his hand towards his steward, simultaneously having his beetles change the structure that they were making to form a perfect copy of the man before him. "I'm Youken... a changeling... pleased to meet you and- Oh, Zachrin! How the hell do you deal with this all day?"

Youken retook Alder's form.

"Seriously... I only stood like that for maybe fifteen seconds and my back hurts... what are you made of Ram?"

Lamar could not hide his smile. Apparently, whatever the race of his employer, he was still the same street urchin who had employed him a year ago.

"You are the first master I have had who I have not killed within three months... the other nine were killed in their sleep."

Alder found himself lost for words... which was weird. He was expecting his steward to be the one taken aback, not him.

"W-where the hell did that come from?"

"Well, with you sharing your secret with me, I only thought it right to respond in kind."

So... each of them had just told the other a secret, which, if it ever got out, would lead to their almost immediate execution by the town populace.

"Right... we'll talk about this later. And I mean that we really will... seriously, what the hell is- no, later..."

"So your problem sir?"

"Right right... see, people like me... we ah... can't drink stuff. Anythin that ain't solid, it really hurts us... if I was thrown inteh a bath of water, I'd die like... and so... well ah... I need a second... yeh know, a guy to back me up."

"You need me to support you in not drinking anything... I'm hoping that's what you mean. However, usually a second or a back up guy in this context would be somebody who was going to help you hook up with our hostesses. I'm going to assume you mean about drinking things though."



"You... have no idea what I mean by hook up, do you sir?"

"Not a clue... does it matter?"

"No, not really. I suppose not, anyway... so do you have a cover story for why you can't drink things?"

"When yeh live tryin teh hide things like this for a very long time, yeh kinda learn teh talk yer way round things... but first, it's best if yeh don't have teh talk yer way around anythin at all like... just in case they don't buy it. I'll try teh make em think I'm drinkin stuff while I really ain't, and if they notice anythin's wrong, I don't drink things cause I've got a real weird condition... that's a thing a bit like a disease I think... where my body don't handle fluids well, and if I drink too much, it swells up and causes me problems. So I have teh measure how much I drink each day... the other story I use sometimes when somebody actually sees me after I've been forced inteh contact with a liquid... I start just droppin beetles everywhere yeh see... is that a witch cursed my parents, so now I can't touch water."

"I understand sir... we're using the first story unless we are really pressed, then we reveal the 'truth' and hope that they buy that. If they don't, I will follow your lead... The mill then?"

"Yeah, that sounds about right... the mill... let's go get our free food."

"I hope you aren't going to consider this a debt you have to pay back sir... I'm still collecting records from the last one."

"After all the trouble I've had teh go through, and since it could be a trap, I think I'll let this one slide... I think my conscythingy will be ok with that."

"You have a conscience?"

"Nope, I always figured they were some kinda trick that adults played on small kids... I just sorta feel that I should pay back what people do teh me... that way, if the world lets yeh even things out, nobody ends up over or under anyone else unless they get there with their own work rather than steppin on others... I dunno, it's not really a conscithingy, just me bein able teh look at things and say, huh... if I was born as them, I would want people teh do this... but I'm not born as them, I'm born as me... but I could have been born as them, so lets not make their lives hell... sorta... I think... that make sense?"

"Yes, I suppose so... and before you ask, no, I don't think I've ever had one either. Shall we go greet our hosts now then?"

Upon arriving at the mill, Alder raised his hand to knock, then lowered it, walked around Lamar and nudged him forwards slightly. With a slight sigh, Lamar raised a hand and knocked on the door... to look at the two, you would have thought that the master was the steward and the steward the master, but of course, to look at Alder, you wouldn't have thought that he was a master of anything. None of that really mattered now. It was about time that the two went diving into what could be a nest of adders, or could be a roasted elk.
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Re: ~Katie's Place~

Post by Katie »

Harold visited with Priestess Ceol as Katie quietly slipped out the room. Feeling ignored, she knew it was time to check the elk. Upon sampling a small nugget, she smacked her lips together; the tenderness and flavor of it could not be beat. Grinning with satisfaction, she plated the elk and smothered the fire.

As she climbed the stairwell with the grilled elk, she heard a knock at the door. "Perhaps that's Alder and his steward" she whispered under her breath.

Sure enough, as she opened the door, there they were! "Hello, Cousin and is this Ram? Welcome! My place is your place. Please come in " she stated in a hospitable manner.
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Re: ~Katie's Place~

Post by Silence »

Lamar and Alder exchanged glances, and something seemed to pass between them. After a moment, Alder gave in.

"I swear, I didn't tell nobody nothin... Err... cous, this is Lamar-"

"You bastard! So you did remember my name all this time!"

"Ah... so if I use your real name, yeh'll use mine... good teh know. Anyway, his name ain't Ram... that's just what I call him cause I pretend I can't remember his real name."

"I'm never falling for that again now Alder."

"Well, teh be fair, I didn't remember it for at least half a year... anyway, it was fun while it lasted... so, we late, early, what?"

"I think that's my master's best attempt at being polite. I'll apologise on his behalf."

"What? What'd I do wrong now?"

"Do you care what you did wrong?"

"No, not really."

"And in there lies the problem."

"... Can we come in before Lamar decides teh get more revenge for me not usin his name for the past year?"
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Re: ~Katie's Place~

Post by Katie »

After learning Ram was not the real name of Cousin Alder's steward, Katie humbly apologized and invited them inside. "Alder and R- I mean Lamar~ tis wonderful of you to join us today. Please follow me upstairs to my loft home. We are so excited to have company here for lunch. Priestess Ceol and Harold are inside awaiting our presence."

As they entered Katie's loft home, Katie placed the pewter tray of freshly grilled elk meat on the small parlor table in the center of the room. "I will cut some of Priestess Ceol's bread so everyone may sample the wonderful elk meat on crusty bread." Soon Kate was back in the parlor with red wine, crusty bread, sliced cheese and fresh cherries for all. "Please enjoy the delicious elk meat as we await the arrival of Priestess Ceol's steward."

"Oh, Harold? When did you have time to hunt elk?"

With a mouth full of savory grilled elk meat, Harold hurriedly chewed and gulped it down and then replied "Rector Alder and Ram killed the elk, Miss Katie".

The elk meat came from her cousin and Lamar Ram, she mused? Graciously she thanked them for their kind contribution to the meal without an interrogation. However, she had questions; she always had questions. But this time, she dare not ask.
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