PP Office - Report a Crime Here

Where the people from the towns can meet and interact

Re: PP Office - Report a Crime Here

Post by Datron »

1) Jurisdiction and process

a) The Town Circuits have first jurisdiction over Infractions of Town Laws.
b) Mayor's, Mentor's, Priest's and Level 2's and above can file charges through the town Circuit to the PP, if they are citizens of the Town who's laws they wish to have enforced (meaning out of town citizens cannot press charges)
c) The PP approaches the defendant at his leisure offering him an RP Trial. Should the defendant not reply 24 hours after he is approached, the defendant waives his right to an RP trial, and the PP may press IG charges that same day, but is not required to.
d) The PP acts as a spokesperson for the Plaintiff (Mayor/Mentor/Priest/Lvl 2+) Responsibility for all wording and charges are on the Plaintiff
e) The Judge will make a ruling based on the case presented
The above stated section is only applicable if the town does not request the county to take jurisdiction of the case. The town requested the county take jurisdiction of its laws on the morning of 12 April 1650. At that time you have lost all rights to a role play trial as pursuant by the Law that I previously Quoted but will once again

c) County Courts are manged exclusively IG. By Default, RP trials are not allowed at the County level.

So per the stated law once the Mayor requested the county take over they can do no trial but a IG trial. There is no contradiction once it is requested that the county take over section A of the law is overridden by section B. One can not pick and choose which section of the law they are allowed to follow but the whole of the law must be used.

Re: PP Office - Report a Crime Here

Post by Scarlette »

Viceroy thistletumble did state to me in a message (which I will not post at this moment because I do not have his permission) that I could have an RP trial. Will he now go back on his word? Is that what the word of a Bravian is worth?

Re: PP Office - Report a Crime Here

Post by Nathan »

Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen. Let's not get carried away in this office. This is not the court. I believe the decision on how to proceed rests with our Judge. Unless she has been replaced, I shall submit the county's motion to her.

Re: PP Office - Report a Crime Here

Post by Nathan »

Nathan pulled out a clean parchment from the neat stack on his table. Laid out in front of him were documents and testimonies from the Mayor of Paz and her representative, from the accused and her representative, and from the Mayor of Cork who filed the case as Acting Prosecutor. Not quite like any other day in Bravia. After yet another pass at the paperwork, he began to write.

"Your Honor,

The Viceroyalty of Bravia claim jurisdiction over the pending case: City of Paz vs Scarlette.

The Defendant, through her representative, has presented a request for an RP trial as well as filed a motion for IG case dismissal, citing the absence of an RP trial offer from the Office of the Prosecutor. As the law states, this RP trial is the defendant's right at the Bravian Town Circuit.

However, the Plaintiff, through her representative, has expressed her wish for the case to be tried at the Bravian County Court. The Defendant stands accused of Public Disorder, a crime under the Viceroyalty Legal Corpus, not just the Town Laws of Paz. As the law states, trials at the County level are conducted IG.

I hereby petition for the Bravian County Court to exercise its right to first jurisdiction and for the trial to be continued IG. Attached is the relevant portion of the Viceroyalty Legal Corpus. Highlighted are the specific sections that apply.

Office of the Prosecutor
Viceroyalty of Bravia"
VII. Judicial Structure
[list]A) Bravian Town Circuit
[list]1) Jurisdiction and process
[list]a) The Town Circuits have first jurisdiction over Infractions of Town Laws.
b) Mayor's, Mentor's, Priest's and Level 2's and above can file charges through the town Circuit to the PP, if they are citizens of the Town who's laws they wish to have enforced (meaning out of town citizens cannot press charges)
c) The PP approaches the defendant at his leisure offering him an RP Trial. Should the defendant not reply 24 hours after he is approached, the defendant waives his right to an RP trial, and the PP may press IG charges that same day, but is not required to.
d) The PP acts as a spokesperson for the Plaintiff (Mayor/Mentor/Priest/Lvl 2+) Responsibility for all wording and charges are on the Plaintiff
e) The Judge will make a ruling based on the case presented[/list]
2) Appeal
[list]a) The town Circuit is the Lowest court and a court of PEERS. Should the defendant seek an appeal, s/he must approach the Mayor, Mentor, Priest, or a Level 2 of the same town and request either a re-trial, or a ruling by a higher court.
b) In the case of a re-trial, the Defendant charges the Plaintiff, and is responsible for all the wording and charges to be submitted to the PP. The Defendant must prove the Plaintiff was in error for the case to move directly to the Bravian Court of Justice
c) In the case of seeking a ruling by a higher court, the Defendant must have a petition signed by 5 citizens of the same town. The Case is resubmitted as is, and no new evidence may be submitted by the defendant, or he can be held in contempt of court. This trial is run at the county level, so can be overturned by either town or county law as the Judge rules. It is possible that the Judge may find the Defendant Guilty and fine the Defendant again for contempt of court. Should the Defendant not be satisfied with the verdict, s/he may follow the county Court process of appeals.[/list][/list][/list]
[list]B) Bravian County Courts
[list]1) Jurisdiction and process
[list]a) The County Courts have first jurisdiction over Infractions of County law, and can claim jurisdiction over town law if the town requests
b) Any person can file charges through the County Courts. Charges filed by non-Bravians may have up to a two day waiting period at the discretion of the Council and PP.
c) County Courts are manged exclusively IG. By Default, RP trials are not allowed at the County level.
d) If an RP trial is started, it has become a County level trial at the Town Circuit level, and subject to the same terms as the town circuit, except that the Viceroy or Viceregal Magestrate may act in the role of Prosecutor.
e) Charges are pressed by the PP, pending possible discussion with the Council.
f) The judge will make a ruling based on the case as presented. Should the defendant not appear in court, the verdict will always be guilty, the fine is at the discretion of the Judge.[/list][/list][/list]

Re: PP Office - Report a Crime Here

Post by LadyAmaia »

In her office, a clerk slips her a parchment from the Public Prosecutor. Examining the document and the highlighted legal statutes, she leans back and thinks of all she has heard in the rumor mills the past few days. Motioning for the clerk "Please have the PP and defendants Lawyer brought to my office." Her mind on the matter has been made up. All that remains is telling those it concerns.

Re: PP Office - Report a Crime Here

Post by Nathan »

A runner came barrelling through the doors and into his office. Nathan was not completely unprotected in his official confinement. He stayed the thought that flashed through his mind and ascertained that the young man meant him no harm. A series of words from his mouth. You...Judge's Office...now. Nathan repeated the last three words and the man across him nodded. "Ah well, let's not make the Judge wait!" He was sure that this was about the petition that he had sent. Quickly, he stood and rounded his desk, then left the room and made his way to the Judge's chambers. The man he walked with knocked for him and announced his presence along with his name and position. Nathan smiled and entered when he was asked. "Here as requested, Your Honor."

Re: PP Office - Report a Crime Here

Post by Scarlette »

Prosecuter Nathan the purpose of the RP trial is so that my lawyer may be able to represent me and be able to view the proceedings. In that way it would be somewhat related to the IG trial and not just an RP for the "fun of it".

I understand that this does not void the actual IG trial and is only meant to be done as an addition to the IG trial, a sort of extension of the IG trial.

Thank you.

Re: PP Office - Report a Crime Here

Post by LadyAmaia »

Clearing her throat loudly "I am glad to see the parties in this case show up. Since last time I checked I am the Judge, the decision of what to do with this case falls upon my shoulders. This case shall be taking place starting Friday, April 16th in the Bravia County Courthouse (RP thread will be started) I expect all parties to have their cases and witnesses and documents ready. This case has been delayed long enough and neither side will be given additional time to prepare." she pauses and looks at those present "After seeing and hearing all both sides have to say, I will make my final verdict (RP outcome will be reflected in the IG trial) till that time I do hope the citizens of Bravia remember the accused is innocent until PROVEN guilty. Your dismissed, I shall see you all tomorrow."

Re: PP Office - Report a Crime Here

Post by thistletumbler »

thankyou, judge amaia.

Re: PP Office - Report a Crime Here

Post by Adonair »

I would like to file charges for revolt against DarkLordStalinbags. Please call the Mage Jilou as a witness.

mayor of cork

Apr 21, 1650 10:00 am: You have crushed a revolt against Town Hall. You saw DarkLordStalinbags among those heading home with their tail between their legs